Data Analyst Roadmap

Roadmap to become a data analyst

These are the roadmap to become a data analyst:

  1. Foundation Skills:

  1. SQL Proficiency:

  • Learn SQL Basics: Understand SELECT statements, Joins, and Filtering

  • Practice Database Queries: Work with database to retrieve and manipulate data

  1. Excel Advanced Techniques:

  • Data Cleaning in Excel: Learn to handle missing data and outliers, duplicated data.

  • PivotTables and Pivot Charts: Master these powerful tools for data summarization.

  1. Data Visualization with Excel:

  • Create Visualizations: Learn to build charts and graphs in Excel

  • Dashboard creation: Understand how to design effective dashboards.

  1. Power BI Introduction:

  • Install and Explore Power BI: Familiarize yourself with the interface.

  • Import Data: Learn to import and transform data using Power Bl.

  1. Power Bl Data Modeling:

*Relationships: Understand and establish relationships between tables.

  • DAX (Data Analysis Expressions): Learn the basics of DAX for calculations.

  1. Advanced Power Bl Features:

  • Advanced Visualizations: Explore complex visualizations in Power BI.

  • A Custom Measures and Columns: Utilize DAX for customized data calculations.

  1. Integration of Excel, SQL, and Power BI:

  • Importing Data from SQL to Power BI: Practice connecting and importing data.

  • Excel and Power Bl Integration: Learn how to use Excel data in Power BI.

  1. Python for Data Analyst:

  • Basic Syntax of Python

  • Exploratory Data Analysis: Understand how important of EDA and how to do EDA:

💡 Reference:

💡Reference of EDA:

  1. Case Study: Try real world case studies project with examples

    YouTube channel for machine learning project with deployment:

    Project Cover:

    1. Data cleaning

    2. Feature engineering

    3. Model Building

    4. Building Website for price prediction

    5. Deployment to AWS

  1. Business Intelligence Best Practices:

  • Data Storytelling: Develop skills in presenting insights effectively.

  • Performance Optimization: Optimize reports and dashboards for efficiency.

  1. Build Portfolio

  • Showcase Excel Projects: Highlight your data analysis skills using Excel.

  • Power BI Projects: Feature Power BI dashboards and reports in your portfolio.

  • Showcase Data Analysis Project with Python

Last updated