10.1 Introduction

Chapter 9 continued the study of statistical inference by developing a confidence interval. A confidence interval is a range of values within which we expect the population parameter to occur.


  1. Define a hypothesis and Hypothesis Testing

  2. Describe the five-step hypothesis testing procedure

  3. Distinguish between a one-tailed and a two-tailed test of hypothesis.

  4. Conduct a test of hypothesis about a population mean.

  5. Conduct a test of hypothesis about a population proportion.

  6. Define Type I and Type II errors.

  7. Tests concerning proportions.

  8. Describe the characteristics of Student’s t distribution

  9. Conduct a test of a hypothesis about the difference between two independent population means.

  10. Conduct a test of a hypothesis about the difference between two population proportions.

  11. Conduct a test of a hypothesis about the mean difference between paired or dependent observations.

  12. Understand the difference between dependent and independent samples.

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